#epicFail on our Kickstarter campaign
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Regrouping for a
"June 1, 2018"
Re Kick off, join our mailing list so you do not miss one moment of the fun. https://mailchi.mp/beeb56e7c23a/re-kick
We sat down with a group of people who were authors, artist, and musicians but were pre-famous.
We decided it is possible to make the best seller’s list without having a publishing house take 75% or more of the profits.
We decided it is possible to keep the ‘right’s to your work and make boatloads of money.
We decided that people should read as often and as much as possible and there aren't enough authors on the planet to keep readers happy.
We decided you could write a book, have it professionally edited, professionally formatted, clothed in a beautiful cover and sold to thousands of readers for a profit.
We decided we are helping as many #GoIndie authors as possible in their PERFECT storm to Greatness and a profit is made with the lions share of money going to the artist.
We are working daily to create your PERFECT storm to GREATNESS. How?
- Professional Web Presence
- Blast Campaign(s)
- Press Release
- Blog tour
- Complete Media Package
- Format
- Clips
- Edit
- Social Media Management
“In marketing, brand management is the analysis and planning on how that brand is perceived in the market. Developing a good relationship with the target market is essential for brand management. Tangible elements of brand management include the product itself; look, price, the packaging, etc. The intangible elements are the experience that the consumer has had with the brand, and also the relationship that they have with that brand. A brand manager would oversee all of these things.[1]”
If you have published a pamphlet or a host of novels ~ let talk about what you have done or what you have on the agenda…
#interview #branding #socialmediamanagement #startup #diligence #amwriting #TeamACPSLLC #GoIndie
DunningKnicks Interview’s
Mzz Dunning wants to chat with you |
No matter the decision you make today. Get up tomorrow with the attitude that you will make this happen.
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©2017 Euniece Dunning, C-Suites #ACPSLLC All rights reserved
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