I started with a very quick glance at the offending member and said -
"Oh good, you haven't got a discharge. "
I turned round to get the herpes swab, turned back and said automatically,
"Oh my goodness, you HAVE got a discharge! - Oh my goodness. .... I think you had better clear that up!"
To my horror, and it has never happened before or since, this guy had just ejaculated all over me!
I have been doing Ballroom and Latin for 3 and 1/2 years now with my lovely partner Edward. We have just done out Gold Ballroom and Latin medals and got highly commended. We are enthralled with Strictly, adore the show, try very year for tickets and never get any. We watch 'It Takes Two,' every night over dinner, and love Ian Waite's magic wand and hot tips!! So ... I would love to be interviewed by Tess, Claudia, Ian Waite or any of the judges! ... Oh - but if they are busy ... Chris Martin will do! (See my book, Dating Daisy!! - he features heavily!)
I love the writing life - so different to my old life. I write everything down in my pink book, even in the car. I even dream about stories and wake up and jot them down. For example - I Tweeted a few days ago about my favorite Christmas things (ornaments): a rather anemic looking Santa, a Blue Snowman and a gold painted reindeer who looked a bit orange that evening in the light. In the night - I woke up with 3 characters for a Christmas story _ Santa jingles, Frosty Blue and Ginger Rudolph! So watch this space ... I am always reading and writing and it has completely taken over my life. As I do book reviews I even read standing in a queue! My mother taught me to read before I went to school. She didn't know what she had started! ...
I seem to have a peculiar brain that speaks to me! No, I'm not mad! For example the
'Will Santa be my Perfect Date this Christmas?'
(https://www.datingdaisy.net/perfectdatethischristmas) the article just flew into my head while I was in the supermarket! I rushed home, just put the ice cream in the freezer and left all the bags, and scribbled it out on the back of an envelope lying on the worktop so I wouldn't forget! It happens a lot. I could give you so many examples. Everything I see gives me an idea for a story. I just did my first book signing at a jewelry auction. It was a terrific event and a lot of people wanted my book, which was wonderful. (Dating Daisy has been said to be a cross between Sex in the City and Bridget Jones Diary!) But I got to thinking about why on earth people wear jewelry? It's a bit bizarre to harness chunks of metal and bits of stone to the human frame?! As a sexual health doctor, there are lots of spin-offs from this: piercings, genital piercings, STI transmission, jewelry for the genitalia...! I now have loads of ideas from that one event for many more blog posts etc.. I have had 30 years experience in Women's Health, Gynaecology, GU Medicine and Menopause. I now write a sexual health blog for www.huffingtonpost.co.uk and a menopause blog for www.menopausematters.co.uk I have a great sense of humor so these are usually fairly humorous such as 'My Menopause Christmas Tree! https://www.menopausematters.co.uk/daisyblog.php, for example! Take a look and laugh! So summing up - personality, medical knowledge, and a humorous writing style! - a perfect combination!
Doing book reviews has opened my mind to lots of different sorts of books. I have reviewed nonfiction, family history, crime, travel writing and .. a fabulous book of Love Poems by an Indian poet Mahiraj Jajeda, all of which I really enjoyed.
©2017 Euniece Dunning, C-Suites #ACPSLLC All rights reserved
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